Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Soal 1,No.2 : If baby geese is hatched in the absence of their mother, they  will follow the first  moving object they see.                                             A                                             B                   C           D
 Answer : A

Reason : "is" change to "will have" ,because this is a sentence of future perfect tenses
soal 2
9. The Egyptians (A. first) discovered that (B. dying) fruits preserved it, made it (C. sweeter) and (D. improve) its flavor.
Answer : B
Reason : The egyptians first discovered that is dying fruits preserved it, made it sweeter and improve its flavor

soal 3
5. The examination will test your ability to understand spoken English, to readnon-technical language, and writing correctly.
Answer : C
It Could Be "Written" not "Writing".