Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Definition of On Cooperative
Cooperative is a business entity consisting of the persons or legal entities with the bases cooperative activities based on the principles of cooperation as well as people's economic movement based on the principle of kinship. Cooperative aims to improve the life of its members.
Based on such understanding, which may be members of the cooperative are:

Individual, that is, those who voluntarily become members of the cooperative;
Legal entities, which is a cooperative member of the cooperative which has a broader scope.
In the Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) No.. 27 (Revised 1998), stated that the main characteristics that distinguish cooperative with other business entities, the members of the cooperative have a dual identity. Dual identity means a cooperative member is the owner and user of cooperative services.
Generally cooperative controlled jointly by all members, where each member has equal voting rights in any decisions made cooperatives. Profit sharing cooperative (commonly called Business Profits or SHU) is usually calculated based on the member's share in the cooperative, for instance by making big dividends by purchasing or sales made by the members.
KoperasiSebetulnya a definition principle that despite many similarities, but a lot of people are putting pressure on one of its elements. It depends on the difference in the point of view of people who live palsafah argued about the Cooperative, as a complement of the sense of cooperative according to Law no. 12/1967 (the first legislation concerning Cooperatives Indonesia), including:
- Dr.C.C. Taylor
He is an expert on the science of sociology, he can be expected to review is a review that assumes that the Cooperative is a sociological concept. According to the cooperative there are two basic ideas that are important in understanding the sociology of cooperation:

Basically people prefer relationships with others directly. Community relations preferred over personal relationships.
Human (people) prefer to live with the salig profitable and peaceful than the competition.
In accordance with the views of Taylor Cooperative associations are considered to be more people than capital associations, apart from the point of view of ETHICAL / RELIGIOUS and ECONOMIC standpoint.
- The International Labour Office (ILO)
According to the ILO definition is the following cooperative
Cooperation is an association of persons, usually of limited means, who have joined together to Achieve voluntaily a common economic and through the formation of a democratically controlled businnes organization, making equitable
contribution of the capital required and eccepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking.
The definition above is composed of representatives from the following elements:

Set of the people
Have a common economic goals
Organizations are democratically controlled enterprises
Fair capital contribution
Bear the loss with and receive equitable benefits.
- Margaret Digby
Writing about "The World Cooperative Movement" said that cooperatives are:

Cooperation and ready to help
Is a private enterprise, but there is a difference with other private entities in a manner to achieve its objectives and the use of tools.
- Dr. C.R Fay

an association with the aim of trying to collective consisting of those who are weak and labored always with the spirit of selfless that way. So that each can fulfill their obligations as members and receive benefits comparable to the level of their relationship with the union.
- Dr. G. Mladenata
In his book "Histoire des Doctrines Cooperative" suggests that consists of producer cooperatives of small producers who voluntarily joined together to achieve a goal, by exchanging services and risk collectively working together with the sources that contributed by members.
- H.E. Erdman
His book "Passing Monopoly as an aim of the Cooperative" suggests the following definition:

cooperative serving members, which kind of services in accordance with the kind of cooperative
meeting members also raised the basic policy decision and the board meberhentikan
board is responsible for running the business and may appoint employees to carry out the received wisdom of the members' meeting.
Each member has the right to one vote in the annual meeting of members. Member participation precedence over capital are included.
Members pay principal savings, mandatory and voluntary. Cooperatives also possible to borrow capital from outside.
Cooperative to pay interest on the loan in accordance with the applicable limit is in accordance with the high prevailing in society.
SHU (Business Profits) the amount paid to the members according to the member services

In terms of failure, members are only responsible for simpananya in cooperative
- Frank Robotka
His book entitled "A Theory of Cooperative" menyakan American writer writers guild that is generally accepted ideas about cooperatives as follows:

cooperative is a form of business entity whose members are customers. Cooperatives organized, supervised and owned by its members who work for their own benefit
business practices in accordance with the principles of Rochdale
Cooperative is the opposite of competition is that the member is more cooperation than competition among them
Not cooperative associations and non-profit capital, the other with non-cooperative entity that prioritizes capital and trying to benefit
Cooperative membership based on individual and not on the basis of capital
- Dr. Muhammad Hatta
In his book "The Movement in Indonesia", he argues that the cooperative is a concerted effort to improve the lot of subsistence economy based upon mutual help. They are driven by a desire to give service to comrades "for all and all a make a" this is called Auto Activity Group, consisting of:

Type of cooperative effort or didasrkan on shared economic interests of its members. The basis for determining the types of cooperatives are similarities activity, interests and economic needs of its members. Your options are:

Producers Cooperative.
Producer cooperatives composed of the people who perform the activities of production (producer). The goal is to provide as much profits as possible for its members in a way to keep production costs as low as the low and sell the product with high price high. To that end, cooperative services that can be used by members is the raw material procurement and product marketing members.

Consumer Cooperatives
Consumer cooperatives composed of the people who do the act of consumption. The goal is to provide as much profits as possible for its members by way of procuring goods or services that are cheap, quality, and easy to obtain. Example:
- Credit unions
- Business cooperatives (consumers)
- Law no. 25 of 1992 (Indonesian Cooperatives)
Cooperatives are business entities consisting of a person or legal entity with the bases cooperative activities based on the principles of economic cooperation as well as the movement of people on the basis of the principle of kinship beradasarkan.
That is some understanding of the cooperative, the cooperative sense already explained the meaning of the various sides. However, if only limited understanding would not be enough to get to know co-operative, it will try to explain further about what might exist in the cooperative management.
According to Law no. 1992 25 Article 5 mentioned the principle of cooperation, namely:

Credit Unions
is a cooperative engaged in the savings and loan
Consumer Cooperatives
cooperative members include consumers by selling its activities selling consumer goods
Cooperative Producers
cooperative members include small businesses (SMEs) in the course of procurement of raw and auxiliary materials for members.
Cooperative Marketing
cooperative that runs the sales activities of products / services cooperative or its members
Cooperative Services
Cooperatives engaged in other services.
Capital Resources Cooperative
As with any other form of business entity, to carry out its business activities require cooperative capital. The cooperative consists of capital and Capital Equity Loans.
Equity capital resources include the following:

Principal is the amount of money that must be paid by the member to the cooperative at the time of entry be a member. Principal can not be taken back for he is still a member of the cooperative. Principal amount equal to any member.
Mandatory savings is a certain amount of deposits to be paid by the member to the cooperative in a given time and opportunity, for example, every month with the same amount of savings for each month. Mandatory savings can not be taken back for he is still a member of the cooperative.
Reserve fund
Reserve fund is an amount of money that is obtained from the balance of the allowance for businesses, which are intended for capital accumulation, the distribution to the members that came out of the membership cooperatives, and cooperatives to cover losses when necessary.
Grant is a sum of money or capital goods that can be assessed with the money received from other parties who are grants / gifts and are not binding.
The cooperative Capital Loans from the following parties:

Members and prospective members
Other cooperatives and / or its members are based on the cooperation agreement antarkoperasi
Banks and other financial institutions conducted under the provisions of the rules and regulations that apply perudang
Issuance of bonds and other debt securities are conducted under the provisions of the legislation in force
Another source of legitimate
Establishment of Cooperative Mechanisms
Establishment of a cooperative mechanism consists of several stages:

The first is a collection of members, due to run the cooperatives require a minimum of 20 members.
Second, the members will hold a meeting of members, to make the selection cooperative management (chairman, secretary, and treasurer).
After that, the cooperative statutes must plan and the cooperative household.
Then ask for permission from the state.
Only then can run cooperatives properly.
History of Cooperative Movement
Cooperative movement was initiated by Robert Owen (1771-1858), which was first applied in the cotton spinning business in New Lanark, Scotland.The cooperative movement was further developed by William King (1786-1865) - by setting up a cooperative store in Brighton, England. On May 1, 1828, King published a monthly publication called The cooperator, which contains a variety of ideas and practical advice on managing the store by using the principle of cooperation.
Cooperative eventually developed in other countries. In Germany, also standing cooperative that uses the same principles of the cooperative made in England. Co-operatives in the UK founded by Charles Foirer, Raffeinsen, and Schulze Delitch. In France, Louis Blanc establish cooperative that promotes the production of quality goods. In Denmark Pastor Christiansone establish agricultural cooperatives.
Device Cooperative Organizations

Members are meeting the aspirations of the container member and the highest authority in the cooperative. As the highest authority, then all policies that apply to the cooperative members' meeting must be passed prior approval., Including the selection, appointment and dismissal of personnel administrators and supervisors.
Management is the body established by the meeting and the members and entrusted with the mandate to carry out the cooperative leadership, both in organizations and businesses. Board members elected from and by the members of the cooperative members' meeting. In performing its duties, the board is accountable to the members' meeting. The approval of the board members' meeting may appoint a manager to manage the cooperative. But the board remains accountable to meeting members.
Supervisor is a body established to supervise the performance of the board. Members elected by the members of the cooperative supervisors at a meeting of members. In practice, supervisors are entitled to any committee report, but keep it to a third party. Supervisor is responsible to the members' meeting
· Year of Cooperatives Unit Artpaper
· 2006 2.814 Units
· 2007 2.929 Units
· Year Member Artpaper
· 2006 755.004 People
· 2007 771.626 The Provincial Cooperative BALI
· From the above data it can be seen an increase in units and number of members, but nearly 80% are located in rural cooperatives. Because most people take advantage of the village is difficult to get a loan separti formal financial kelembaga Bank.
· This year, at least around Rp 4.174 billion will be channeled to the cooperative.
· Year-assisted Cooperative Community Fund which utilize
· 2000 USD 96 M 111 unit savings and loans (9kabupaten) 14,429 people
· 2001 USD 1.4 M 28 MFIs (5 counties) 2,575 people
· 2002 USD 2.4 M 24 Cooperative (district 5) 2,041 people
· 2003 Rp 3.6 M 38 Cooperative (9 regencies) 2,963 people
· 2004 Rp 4 M 4 Cooperatives (4 districts) 634 people
· 2005 Rp 7 M 10 Cooperative (7 districts) 530
· 2006 Rp 1,950 M 172 23 Cooperative
· Cooperative USD 300 Mn 3 (3 districts) -
· 2007 Rp 2 M 20 Cooperative -
· Rp 1 M 1 Cooperative -
· USD 300 Mn 3 Cooperative -
· USD 400 Mn 2 Cooperative -
· USD 475 Mn 19 Cooperative -

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